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What is content production?

  In order for users to trust a website more and spend more time on it, the content on that website should meet all the needs of the user. Given the above, you definitely know that producing a valuable content is a difficult task that requires a lot of knowledge, which we will discuss more detailed in this regard. Simply put, the content must be understandable to all users so that they can use that content to get the answer of their questions. After attracting users to the content of the website, website owners will achieve their goals, which may include, earning money,  increasing website traffic  , increasing sales, and so on. Should content production be taken seriously? In fact,  producing a suitable content  will attract more users to the website, it helps with gaining a positive user experience as a result they will introduce your website to other users in social media, eventually you will achieve success without a doubt. In other words, if you do not produce quality content you

The most popular ad networks for mobile apps

This article will elaborate on the importance of mobile app monetization . So let’s get started.

It is estimated that an individual spends about 5 hours daily on mobile phones. People have interacted with this technology to such an extent that without this, life seems to be incomplete. Mobile phones, especially the smart ones, are not only a source of communication nowadays, but they encourage social interactions, business advancements, visual communications, tools for entertainment, and above all, they serve as a source to generate income.

There are different ways to earn with the help of mobile phones where ad monetization s are usually favored. Here I am discussing some of the sources which are promoting ads on mobile applications


Ironsource is a unique and only platform trusted worldwide for facilities it provides for game developers with all powerful tools for monetization.

The Ironsource is an ad net for leading ad-video monetization for applications usually running on Android and IOS platforms

It is estimated that these rewarded video advertisements can boost your application’s revenue by 20% to 40%. Average estimation about the rewards through Ironsource for monetization is about $10 to 50$. This means that a crystal clear value exchange is provided to the users.

The most popular ad networks for mobile apps


Google Admob monetization. This platform helps to introduce ads on particular sites, applications, and, of course, on some video resources.

The functioning is simple. Admob monetization creates in-app advertisements added to numerous native UI components. Google SDK is used by Admob monetization.

These monetizations pay approximately $1 to $1 per 1000 ad impressions as per the CPM (Count per Mile).

Another estimation is made that 10,000 active users per day will help you to generate about 500-1000 rupees per day.


The appy jump is famous for its an in-app advertisement providing it’s users a maximum return as compared to their competitors. Also, they are experienced in managing top-quality traffic with mass volume.


This platform organizes and compares the user’s intent with certain respective fields and uses sophisticated methods to provide relevant advertisements ad network works based on a CPC model.


Ever heard of interstitial advertisement? This means that the ad will cover the entire screen between transitions from one field or section from an application to another. However, it seems that it is a bit far away from the use of traditional banners used for advertisement purposes. Still, investors find more benefits in the form of greater revenue rates.

networks for mobile apps


They are famous for there “Appographic technique.” According to them, this method helps their users to easily target the desired type of app and media they are likely to consume. And Currently uninstalled applications constitute a significant tool to cope up with the user’s favor with this method.


This monetization source was provided by Yahoo! In 2014. This works on analyzing the entire review of applications distributed on app stores to categorize data easily. After that, with the success of Flurry ad campaign, interesting facts come up which attract user’s interest.

In the end, people are now moving to digital platforms to increase their business approach. The above-mentioned platforms could be helpful for this purpose.



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